
HUNTSVILLE, Ala.— September 28, 2016 Abaco Systems is at GTC Europe (28-29 September, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) to demonstrate how the company is creating a new generation of products, based on NVIDIA® technology, that are smaller, lighter, consume less power and are more affordable. These will take Abaco into new markets that value the rugged, robust reliability that the company currently brings to the demanding defense and aerospace embedded computing market. The new products will also allow Abaco to serve the rapidly growing requirement for very small unmanned air- and ground military vehicles.
GTC is NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, and is attended by more than 1,000 technology leaders, entrepreneurs and decision makers from industry and academia, as well as start-ups and venture capitalists. The Amsterdam event is the first time GTC has been held in Europe.
Abaco is showcasing a proof of concept – code-named GC1000 – which houses a powerful NVIDIA Jetson™ TX1 system-on-module (SoM) in an enclosure measuring just 5.8” (148mm) x 5.1” (131mm) x 3.3” (86mm) and weighing just 3.5lbs (1.6kgs). It is designed for sophisticated, high performance graphics applications and also for general purpose computing (GPGPU) applications that can leverage the massively parallel, many-core architecture of the Jetson TX1 platform.
“One of the key reasons we’re at GTC Europe is to solicit feedback from potential customers about the functionality and feature set that would make a product derived from the GC1000 a compelling proposition for them,” said Stuart Heptonstall, Product Manager, Graphics at Abaco Systems. “We’re also in Amsterdam to demonstrate the depth and breadth of our NVIDIA-based product family, and the expertise we bring in bringing the power of NVIDIA technology to the most demanding applications in the most challenging environments.”
Also being demonstrated on the Abaco stand are two platforms based on NVIDIA technology that have already found significant success with customers. The innovative, rugged IPN252 multiprocessor leverages the NVIDIA Maxwell™ GPU to deliver an astonishing 1.4 TeraFLOPS of throughput, while the GRA113 graphics processor uses the 640 cores of the Maxwell GPU to bring leading graphics and video performance to applications where size, weight and power are highly constrained.
“We place enormous value on our special relationship with NVIDIA,” said Bernie Anger, CEO, Abaco Systems, “not least because it has enabled us to help our customers solve some of their most challenging problems. GTC Europe provides the ideal opportunity for us to further develop that relationship, and to demonstrate the breadth of solutions that our NVIDIA-based products can deliver.”
About Abaco Systems
Abaco Systems is a global leader in open architecture computing and electronic systems for aerospace, defense and industrial applications. Spun out of General Electric in 2015, we deliver and support open modular solutions developed to upgrade and enhance the growing data, analytics, communications and sensor processing capabilities of our target applications. This, together with our 700+ professionals’ unwavering focus on our customers’ success, reduces program cost and risk, allows technology insertion with affordable readiness and enables platforms to successfully reach deployment sooner and with a lower total cost of ownership. With an active presence in a significant number of national asset platforms on land, sea and in the air, Abaco Systems is trusted where it matters most.
For more information, contact:
Ian McMurray
Communications Manager
Abaco Systems
NVIDIA is a registered trademark, and Maxwell and Jetson are trademarks, of NVIDIA Corporation,. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.