The BT3-USB-MON is like a Swiss Army Knife for MIL-STD-1553 users making it a must have, easy to use lab tool for anyone developing, troubleshooting, or maintaining a system that uses MIL-STD-1553. The monitor only bundle combines three tools into one easy to use product: 1553 visualization and recording with user friendly GUI BusTools-1553-BM; 1553 monitoring hardware; and an integrated differential scope output for electrical analysis - all available at an accessible price point.
Using BusTools-1553-BM, which is designed for inter-activity, you can quickly monitor and analyze bus traffic as well as display multiple parameters in real-time, either in engineering unit values or user formatted graphs. Additional features include error detection and rapid filtering of live or recorded data.
The integrated differential-to-single-ended 10:1 scope provides outputs for each bus, together with programmable on-board triggers, allowing data and waveform capture of specific bus events, while a built-in 1553 traffic test generator allows for easy self-test. Ruggedly packaged, the BT3-USB-MON will provide many years of trouble-free service in the lab and on the flight line.
- Capture 100% fully loaded bus traffic with:
- Time-tagging
- Error status
- Word status
- Message status
- Extensive filtering and triggering options
- By individual RT/sub-address
- Transmit, receive or broadcast mode codes
- Trigger output on user specified data
- IRIG/GPS synchronization
Differential-to-single-ended scope probe
- 10:1, 1 MΩ single-ended scope output via BNC
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