The Abaco ECM 3U VPX carrier supports up to six Abaco Systems Electrical Conversion Modules (ECMs) in a VITA 46 VPX form factor. Each ECM site connects 32 single-ended 3.3 V signals to the FPGA. The specific ECM board installed on a site converts the FPGA signals to 16 I/O signals, for a total of 96 I/O signals across the six ECM sites. For this product, the 96 ECM I/O signals are available on differential wafers P1-8 thru P1-16, and P2-1 thru P2-16. In VITA 65 OpenVPX terminology, this product conforms to SLT3-PER-1F-14.3.2, where a single data plane Fat pipe (the x4 lane PCI Express port) provides connectivity to a PCI Express (PCIe) fabric. The remaining differential wafers are for User I/O.
The VPX carrier is available in two fundamental configurations: One variant (MMS8010) comes with opto-isolated Solid-State Relays (SSRs) between the ECM I/O and the VPX wafers. A second variant (MMS8011) replaces the SSRs with zero-ohm resistors, allowing for “failover” in redundant hardware, high-reliability applications.
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MMS8010 / MMS8011 Micro Mezzanine System Carrier