What is done to my registry during installation?

Condor uses the Windows registry to configure device drivers and maintain information about the Condor devices currently installed on your system. The information placed in your registry is separated into three different sections:

  1. Product specific device enumeration:

    The Product Device Table resides at:

      HKLM\Software\Condor Engineering\@PRODUCT_NAME\Hardware\ 

    and should conform to the following layout:

      Board0\   WinRT Device - WinRTDevN (N)  
      HardwareType - ProductName 
      (__1,2,.. if IP module).  
      Board1\   WinRT Device - WinRTDevN (N) 
      HardwareType - ProductName 
      (__1,2,.. if IP module).  
      BoardN\   WinRT Device - WinRTDevN (N) 
      HardwareType - ProductName 
      (__1,2,.. if IP module). 


    1. This table is only being installed in the most recent releases of Condor products and may not exist on your system. Condor software will be maintained to operate normally in the absence of this table, it is meant for a simpler device referencing scheme in future products.
    2. @PRODUCT_NAME refers to the Condor software family that is being accounted for. The table is used to allow multiple families of Condor products to coexist in a system and be referred to within their family. For instance, 3 CEI-200’s installed in a system that has two other Condor cards can be referenced as devices 0,1,2 regardless of the physical WinRT device they are linked to. This eliminates some confusion from the application programmer’s point of view and makes software written with Condor’s libraries more portable.
    3. A product that does not use WinRT Devices (like a stand-a-lone IP module) will not have a WinRT Device key.
    4. The entry in @PRODUCT_NAME\Boardx\ WinRT Device was originally WinRTDevN but is now just N where N refers to the physical device enumeration of the installed board. If for some reason the entry needs to be modified, use the new format of entering only the physical device ID.

    The table itself will not be logged for uninstallation but all entries within the table are logged for uninstallation.

    Global device enumeration:

    The Global Device Table resides at:

      HKLM\Software\Condor Engineering\Device Table\ 

    and should conform to the following layout:

      WinRTDev0 :: PRODUCT_NAME BoardX 
      WinRTDev1 :: PRODUCT_NAME BoardY 
      WinRTDevN :: PRODUCT_NAME BoardZ 

    The Board_ appendages correspond to the product specific device number as described above. The purpose of this table is to maintain a mapping between product specific device numbers and WinRT device driver numbers.

    Only WinRT Devices should appear in the global device table, something like a Stand-A-Lone IP-Module or any kind of board that may be installed without a driver should not be entered here.

    The table itself will not be logged for uninstallation but all entries within the table are logged for uninstallation.

  2. Device Driver Information:
      Start = 3 
      AllowConflict {0/1 
              (Set to 1 to allow multiple WinRT 
               devices to map to a single board)} 
      BusType {1=ISA, 2=EISA, 5=PCI, 0=INTERNAL} 

    ISA Devices Only:

      START = 0 
      StaticVxD: *WRTDevX 
         (where X refers to the WinRT device number. 


    The WinRT key and corresponding values are not logged for uninstallation, all WinRTDevX keys and their sub-keys are logged for uninstallation.