How can I use BusTools/1553-API to program Multiple BC Retries?

This is a basic example program that sets up a simple BC message list. We create a list of two messages, 1-R-1-32 and 2-T-2-32, in a 20ms Minor Frame. This BC list runs until stopped by user input. You can display the data for the 2-T-2-32 message or quit.

This program is just a modification of "example_bc1.c" that adds MULTIPLE BC RETRIES. The BC retries messages if it detects a NO STATUS RESPONSE error. The BC is programmed to retry up to SEVEN times, switching between the primary and alternate bus.

You need a bus analyzer (BusTools/1553) to simulate RTs and to monitor bus traffic. If you turn off RT 1 or 2 (so that it stops responding), then you should be able to see the retry messages on the bus monitor.